Hi, I’m Bozica! I’m an interior designer by trade and an educator by passion.

The way colours, textures, patterns, and light alter the world around us has always fascinated me, even when I was a little girl growing up. I loved how a certain hue could completely transform a space or how a particular type of light could evoke a specific emotion in my heart.


My Career

I’ve worked as an interior designer for over 14 years, helping people just like you choose the perfect colour combinations for their new homes or renovation projects. My passion, talent, and willingness to explain colour and texture choices ensured that my business grew quickly, so I decided to open my own studio, where I specialise in colour selection.

Who Am I?

I’m an interior designer. I’m also a mum of two beautiful boys, a small business owner, and a child of war who has seen much of the world. I was born in Sarajevo and spent my youth there before the war started. During the war, my family escaped to Germany, where I lived for two years until it was safe to return home.

I spent seven years in Serbia before leaving for Australia to pursue my career. I arrived in Melbourne in 2019, an 18-year-old guided by passion and excitement, even though I didn’t speak a word of English. Since then, I’ve made it my life’s mission to help others understand the incredible world of colour.


Fun facts about me:


·      I love all colours, but if I had to choose just one, I’d say my favourite colour is green!

·      I love cooking and reading.

·      Both of my boys play basketball, so when I’m not working, I’m cheering them on.

·      I love to change the décor in my home often. It drives my family crazy, but they’re used to it.

·      I love to create my own cushions and blankets to explore patterns and colours.

·      I love traveling and exploring other cultures.

·      My parents wanted me to be a nurse, so I have a nursing degree in addition to my interior design degree.

·      I love to bring a personal touch to everything I do, including my workshops!

·      I’ve known since I was 12 that interior design and colour selection were my passions.


Ready to Learn?

Are you ready to explore the incredible world of color schemes? I’d love to help you understand what it takes to create amazing spaces within your home. Learn more today buy clink the link below.